166 Suggested Homework

Additional suggested homework problems can be found on my Math 166 web page.

Section Problems
L1 1--20
L2 1--24
1.1 1--46
1.2 1--30
1.3 1--27
1.4 1--36
1.5 1--39
1.6 1--49
1.7 1--31
2.1 1--7, 13--42, 44, 45
2.2 1--7, 15--40
2.3 1--39
2.4 1--23, 25--44
3.1 1--23, 28--30
3.2 1--6, 9--48
3.3 3--9, 13--16, 19--23, 27, 35, 37
the book doesn't do much with
sample vs population
3.4 9--34
F.1 1--30
F.2 1--35
F.3 1--6, 11--26
F.4 1--43
4.3 17--47
4.4 11--15, 17--44, 48--57,
60, 61, 64, 65
for the word problems place
restrictions on the parameter
5.1 1--17, 22--49
5.2 1--41, 47, 53--58, 61, 62, 65
5.3 3,5,7,11,15,17,23,27,31,
M.1 1--11odd, 13--17odd,
19--26, 27, 29
M.2 1--29
M.3 1--38
G.1 1--18
G.2 1--26